Tajweed surah Al Falaq
Al Falaq is the name of the Surah in the Qur'an, Surah It consists of 6 verses. Surah Al Falaq Which means this time of Fajr was handed down in the city of Mecca. In this article My Quran will analyze the Tajwid surah Al Falaq.
This is called mad Thobi'i, because there is a character in the long Dhommah alif or two.
Example of a Qomariyah alif in suratAl Falaq
It is called the Qomariyah Alif, because there are alif-lam and breadfruit.
This is called Qolqolah Kubro when it stops, because there is a letter Qolqolah which is then Diwaqofkan, so the letter Qolqolini be Sukun because Waqof.
The meaning of Qolqolah in suratAl Falaq
Qolqolah means to bounce or bounce, Qolqolah divided into two, first Qolqolah Sugro Qolqolah Kubro. Qolqolah Sugro occurs when the letter of the Qolqol original breadfruit. While Qolqolah Kubro occurs when the letter Qolqolkis breadfruit because it is Diwaqofkan (stop). The reflection sounds are stronger Qolqolah kubro than Qoliqolah Sugro.
The letter Qolqolah There are 5 collected in the word:
Tajwid Surah Al Falaq verse 2.
This name is IKHFA, because there is a nun die facing Syin
This is called mad Thobi'i, because there is an alif Difatah letter.
This is called Qolqolah Kubro when it stops.
Tajwid Letter Al Falaq verse 3.
This name is IKHFA, because there is a nun die facing Syin
This is the name Mad Thobi'i, because is a alif fathah.
Idzhar Halqi in Surat Al Falaq
This name is Idzhar Halqi, because there Tanwin faced Alif. Izh-Har Halqi enters the law of the dead Nun or Tanwin.
This is the name Mad Thobi'i, because there is a alif fathah.
This is called Qolqolah Kubro when it stops.
This name is IKHFA, because there is nun die facing Syin. Read it must be camouflaged.
Here are two laws, namely the Alif-Syamsiyah and the Gunnah.
This is his name Mad Ashli/Mad Thobi'i, because there Fatah standing. The length is 1 alif or 2.
It is called the Qomariyah Alif, because there are alif-lam and breadfruit.
Examples of Qolqolah in Surat Al Falaq
It is called Qolqolah Kubro when it stops, because the letter Qolqol breadfruit because it stops.
This name is IKHFA, because there is nun die facing Syin.
This is the name Mad Thobi'i, because there is a difatah alif.
This name is Idzhar Halqi, because there tanwin to face the Alif letter
This is the name Mad Thobi'i, because there is a difatah alif.
It's called Qolqolah Kubro when it stops.
So the law of Tajwid Surah Al Falaq Complete, hopefully useful.
بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Tajwid Surah Al Falaq Verse 1
قُلْ اَعُوْذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ
قُلْ اَعُوْذُ
This is called mad Thobi'i, because there is a character in the long Dhommah alif or two.
Example of a Qomariyah alif in suratAl Falaq
بِرَبِّ الْ
It is called the Qomariyah Alif, because there are alif-lam and breadfruit.
This is called Qolqolah Kubro when it stops, because there is a letter Qolqolah which is then Diwaqofkan, so the letter Qolqolini be Sukun because Waqof.
The meaning of Qolqolah in suratAl Falaq
Qolqolah means to bounce or bounce, Qolqolah divided into two, first Qolqolah Sugro Qolqolah Kubro. Qolqolah Sugro occurs when the letter of the Qolqol original breadfruit. While Qolqolah Kubro occurs when the letter Qolqolkis breadfruit because it is Diwaqofkan (stop). The reflection sounds are stronger Qolqolah kubro than Qoliqolah Sugro.
The letter Qolqolah There are 5 collected in the word:
بَجُ دِ طَقَ
Tajwid Surah Al Falaq verse 2.
مِنْ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ
مِنْ شَرِّ
This name is IKHFA, because there is a nun die facing Syin
This is called mad Thobi'i, because there is an alif Difatah letter.
This is called Qolqolah Kubro when it stops.
Tajwid Letter Al Falaq verse 3.
وَ مِنْ شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ اِذَا وَقَبَ
وَ مِنْ شَرِ
This name is IKHFA, because there is a nun die facing Syin
This is the name Mad Thobi'i, because is a alif fathah.
Idzhar Halqi in Surat Al Falaq
سِقٍ اِ
This name is Idzhar Halqi, because there Tanwin faced Alif. Izh-Har Halqi enters the law of the dead Nun or Tanwin.
This is the name Mad Thobi'i, because there is a alif fathah.
This is called Qolqolah Kubro when it stops.
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tajweed surah al falaq |
Tajwid Surah Al Falaq verse 4
وَمِنْ شَرِّ النَّفّٰثٰتِ فِى الْعُقَدِ
وَمِنْ شَ
This name is IKHFA, because there is nun die facing Syin. Read it must be camouflaged.
شَرِّ النَّ
Here are two laws, namely the Alif-Syamsiyah and the Gunnah.
This is his name Mad Ashli/Mad Thobi'i, because there Fatah standing. The length is 1 alif or 2.
فِى الْعُ
It is called the Qomariyah Alif, because there are alif-lam and breadfruit.
Examples of Qolqolah in Surat Al Falaq
It is called Qolqolah Kubro when it stops, because the letter Qolqol breadfruit because it stops.
Tajwid Surah Al Falaq verse 5
وَمِنْ شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ اِذَا حَسَدَ
وَمِنْ شَرِّ
This name is IKHFA, because there is nun die facing Syin.
This is the name Mad Thobi'i, because there is a difatah alif.
سِدٍ اِ
This name is Idzhar Halqi, because there tanwin to face the Alif letter
This is the name Mad Thobi'i, because there is a difatah alif.
It's called Qolqolah Kubro when it stops.
So the law of Tajwid Surah Al Falaq Complete, hopefully useful.